How does the pre-school/ nursery know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child has special educational needs?
At Bodiam Preschool each child is allocated a keyperson who will be responsible for observing and monitoring your child’s progress. These on-going observations will be recorded in your child’s learning journal and then tracked onto their own assessment sheet. These observations enable us to easily see if a child is falling behind their age related milestones. Your keyperson will also take into account information gathered from any other professionals who may have already worked with or still be working with your child, such as other settings, health visitors etc. Any concerns will be discussed with you by your keyperson, so that together you can agree the best way forwards to meet your child’s needs. Equally, if you have concerns about your child’s development or needs you can discuss them with your keyperson or one of our settings SENCO’s. Your keyperson and our SENCO will work with both yourself and if necessary any outside agencies to ensure your child’s needs are fully met. Any concerns you may have are important and will be taken seriously.
How will the pre-school/ nursery support my child with special educational needs?
At Bodiam we have an inclusive policy and commit ourselves to meet the individual needs of all the children who attend our setting.
If your child is identified that they need extra support either at home or within our setting, a meeting will be arranged between yourself, keyperson and our SENCO. A plan will be worked out which will be based on your child’s interests to help support them. The plan will have small achievable goals and will be continually reviewed and adapted if necessary. Our SENCO will work with your keyperson. If it is thought that it would further benefit your child by seeking extra advice or support from specialist outside agencies we will discuss this with yourselves and with your permission contact the appropriate form of support.
How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child/young person will receive?
We would decide how much and what type of support your child needs by having consultations with you, our SENCO, keyperson and any outside agencies that may be already involved your child. We would also be able to apply for extra funding from the Early Years Inclusion Support Fund which would mean we can give your child the extra support they may need. We have Makaton trained members of staff
How will the pre-school/ nursery review my child’s progress and how shall they share it with me?
Each child within the setting will have their progress continually tracked. Their progress will be shared with you at regular times throughout the year. Each child will have next steps sheets sent home showing what their current targets are, on these sheets there will be suggestions of how you can support us at home. We use the children’s home/school contact books to keep you updated with daily achievements. If your child also has a setting based support plan in place your keyperson will work closely with your child each session they attend, supporting them to achieve their goals, this will all be tracked, and reviewed in accordance with the plan. You will be given regular updates on your child’s progress by your keyperson or SENCO and equally they are there for you to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns you may have at any time.
What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?
We concentrate on providing a happy, safe, fun and nurturing environment at Bodiam Preschool. We model and encourage kind and thoughtful behaviour and all the staff are fair and consistent with maintaining the settings expectations on behaviour. If your child needs to take prescribed medication our staff will administer this after the relevant consent forms have been signed. We all hold paediatric first aid certificates and are happy to undertake extra training in administering medication if required to do so and if necessary draw up a Healthcare Plan for extra support. The child’s voice is very important to us. Constantly, throughout the day we encourage the children to make decisions and to give their opinions, listening to and taking into account what they say, giving them the opportunity to contribute towards the running of our preschool.
What training do the staff have in supporting children with special educational needs or disabilities?
We currently have two trained SENCO’s who attend regular training, including the support groups held throughout the year. Information and training is cascaded to all staff through regular staff meetings. We have knowledge and have trained in Makaton, TALL training (Turn-taking, Attention, Listening and Learning) Special Educational Needs, behaviour management and Child Development. We have access to a wide range of training and have regular contact with our Early Years Advisor who keeps us updated with any relevant training we may need.
What specialist services and support are available to the pre-school/nursery?
We are able to access support from a wide range of outside agencies provided by the local authorities, such as Health visiting teams, Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability Team (ISEND), East Sussex Children’s Integrated Therapy Service (ESCITS) and our local Children’s Centre.
How will my child/young person be included in activities outside the pre-school/ nursery, including trips?
At Bodiam preschool all children are fully included in all activities offered. Where necessary risk assessments will be carried out and additional one-to –one support given to any children needing assistance to participate. A meeting with your keyperson will take place before the activity and you will be invited to join in if you wish.
How accessible is the pre-school/ nursery?
We have possible access into the preschool either via the front door or along a ramp at the side, taking you onto the decking area and rear patio doors. We also have a ramp leading from the decking into the garden so the whole preschool is accessible. Our toileting facilities allow wheelchair access. Any additional equipment resources or services to provide for children with additional needs will be sourced where reasonable. We use visual prompts around the preschool and Makaton with all children.
How will the pre-school/nursery help my child move on to school?
Before your child joins our setting we offer settling in sessions. These sessions enable your child and yourself to get to know their keyperson and to familiarise themselves with the environment. We work closely with other settings during transition periods. We have regular play dates with our local primary school and provide a photo book of the school. We have joined them for lunch as well as joining them for different activities throughout the year. Transition meetings have been set up to introduce children and their parents moving from our setting with SEND to the school SENCO and to share information. We fill in transition forms for all children leaving us to join a new setting to inform them where the children are developmentally and to share the children’s interests and achievements.
Date reviewed: May 2023
Review due: May 2024